// symmetry property clc; clear; x=[1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1] xp=fft(x); disp("property 1-SYMMETRY PROPERTY"); disp(x,"Origiaal Sequence"); disp(xp', "DFT of Orginal SEquence"); disp("Symmetry Property ie X(N/2-k)=X*((N/2)+k)or X*(k)=X(N-k) is verified as the resulting dft is symmetric about N/2=4"); // Time Reversal Property clc; x=[1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1] //l=2 xs=[2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3] x1=fft(x); xs1=fft(xs); disp(x,"orignal signal"); disp(x1,"DFT of original signal"); disp(xs,"time shifted signal"); disp(xs1,"DFT of time shifted signakl"); x1_mag=20*log10(abs(x1)); x1_phase=atan(imag(x1),real(x1)); xs1_mag=20*log10(abs(xs1)); xs1_phase=atan(imag(xs1),real(xs1)); title("magnitude plot of original"); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x1_mag); xlabel("k"); ylabel("abs k"); title("magnitude plot of time shifted"); subplot(2,1,2); plot(xs1_mag); xlabel("k"); //Circular time shifting property clc; clear; x=[1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1] //l=2 xs=[2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3] x1=fft(x); xs1=fft(xs); disp(x,"orignal signal"); disp(x1',"DFT of original signal"); disp(xs,"time shifted signal"); disp(xs1',"DFT of time shifted signal"); x1_mag=20*log10(abs(x1)); x1_phase=atan(imag(x1),real(x1)); xs1_mag=20*log10(abs(xs1)); xs1_phase=atan(imag(xs1),real(xs1)); title("magnitude plot of original"); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x1_mag); xlabel("k"); ylabel("abs k"); title("magnitude plot of time shifted"); subplot(2,1,2); plot(xs1_mag); xlabel("k"); ylabel("abs k") figure title("phae plot of original"); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x1_phase); xlabel("k"); ylabel("angle"); subplot(2,1,2); title("phase plot of time shifted"); plot(xs1_phase); xlabel("k"); ylabel("angle") //Circular Convolution clc; clear; x1=[1 2 3 4 5] x2=[5 6 7 8 9] disp("1st sequence") disp(x1); disp("2nd sequence") disp(x2); disp("DFT of 1st sequence"); y1=fft(x1); disp(y1'); disp("DFT of 2st sequence"); y2=fft(x2); disp(y2'); disp("multiplication result"); mul=y1.*y2 disp(mul'); disp("DFT of multiplication"); z=ifft(mul'); disp(z');